There is an embedded version of it in package SOIC. Rail/Tube is the packaging method. It is designed with 4 bits. A device with this design has 16 terminations. With the supply voltage set at 5V, it is able to operate. The 16 pind are equipped with it. The device has 16 pins. It is mounted according to the Surface Mount method. Aquiescent current is consumed by 40nA without being affected by external forces. 1 elements are present in it. In addition, PROGRAMMABLE TRIGGER TYPE characterize it. It has been set to 4.2mA for the low level output current. It has been set to -4.2mA for the high level output current. Operating temperatures should be below 125°C. -55°C is the minimum operating temperature. Voltages up to 18V can be supplied. There is a minimum supply voltage of 3V for it. It uses a logic IC of type D LATCH. Its 6.8mA output current allows for maximum design flexibility.