24-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) contains it. Tape & Reel (TR) is the packaging method. In its configuration, Tri-State is used as the output. There is a logic type of D-Type Transparent Latch associated with this electrical device. According to Surface Mount, this electronic part is mounted. The voltage supply is 4.75V~5.25V. It operates at 0°C~70°C degrees Celsius. In the 74FCT series, this FPGA is located. The design of this electronic part is based on 9 bits. This device is designed with 24 terminations. There is no doubt that it belongs to the family 74FCT843. A 5V voltage supply is required for operation. There are 24 pins on it. This electronic device is categorized as a FCT electronic device. The pin configuration of the device is 24. Electronic parts are mounted using the Surface Mount method. This device has 2 ports. It belongs to the subcategory of FF/Latches. Vsup reaches 5.25V as the maximum supply voltage. A total of 5V power supplies are needed to run it. The supply voltage (Vsup) should be greater than 4.75V. Considering the reliability of this device, it would be a good candidate for TAPE AND REEL. It features maximum flexibility in design due to 48mA output current. Input lines are generated as binary equivalents by 9 output lines. Additionally, it is characterized by WITH CLEAR AND PRESET.
CD74FCT843AM96E4 Features
24-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width) package 74FCT series 9 Bits 74FCT843 family 24 pin count 24 pins 5V power supplies
CD74FCT843AM96E4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments CD74FCT843AM96E4 Latches applications.