The item is packaged in 20-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm)cases. The package Tubecontains it. Currently, the output is configured to use Tri-State, Non-Inverted. It is configured with the trigger Positive Edge. Through Holeis occupied by this electronic component. A 4.5V~5.5Vsupply voltage is required for it to operate. In the operating environment, the temperature is -55°C~125°C TA. This logic flip flop is classified as type D-Type. It is a type of FPGA belonging to the 74HCT series. It should not exceed 60MHzin its output frequency. In total, it contains 1 elements. This process consumes 8μA quiescents. The 74HCT374family includes it. The input capacitance of this JK flip flopis 10pF farads.
CD74HCT374EG4 Features
Tube package 74HCT series
CD74HCT374EG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments CD74HCT374EG4 Flip Flops applications.