SOIC contains it. Rail/Tube is the way it is packaged. Electronic parts with 10 bits are designed for this application. In this device, there are 24 terminations. With a supply voltage of 5V, it operates. The device is equipped with 24 pins. It is a member of the FCT family of electronic devices. There are 24 pins on it. The electronic part is mounted using the Surface Mount method. In this device, there are 2 ports. The part belongs to the FF/Latches subcategory. A total of 5V power supplies are required for it to operate. Electronic circuits are represented by 10 input lines. High efficiency requires a voltage supply of 5V. It consumes 100μA of quiescent current without being affected by outside factors. The element count is 1. There is 64mA output current at the low level. There is -32mA output current at the high level. Lower than 85°C is the ideal operating temperature. Temperatures higher than -40°C should be used for operation. 5.25V is the maximum voltage it supports. A voltage of 4.75V is the minimum supply voltage required for it to operate. It uses the logic IC BUS DRIVER. With an output current of 64mA, it is highly flexible in terms of design.
CY74FCT841CTSOCE4 Features
SOIC package 10 Bits 24 pin count 24 pins 5V power supplies 1 elements
CY74FCT841CTSOCE4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments CY74FCT841CTSOCE4 Latches applications.