DRV8350RHRGZR Description
DRV8350RHRGZR manufactured by Texas Instruments belongs to the family of highly-integrated gate drivers specifically designed for three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor applications, including field-oriented control (FOC), sinusoidal current control, and trapezoidal current control of BLDC motors. Based on smart gate drive (SGD) architecture, it is able to minimize the external components typically necessary for MOSFET slew rate control and protection circuits. Moreover, this architecture provides strong flexibility in optimizing dead time to prevent shoot-through conditions, decreasing electromagnetic interference (EMI) by MOSFET slew rate control, and protecting against gate short circuit conditions through VGS monitors.
DRV8350RHRGZR Features
Smart gate drive architecture
SPI or hardware interface available
Low-power sleep mode (20 µA at VVM = 48-V)
Integrated gate driver power supplies
DRV8350RHRGZR Applications
Fans, blowers, and pumps
E-Bikes, E-scooters, and E-mobility
Power and garden tools, lawn mowers
Drones, robotics, and RC toys
3-phase brushless-DC (BLDC) motor modules