The package 14-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) contains it. The electronic part is mounted in the direction of Through Hole. The package is designed in the way of Tube. Frequency to Voltage is the type of electrical device. A 14 termination involves terminating a transmission line with a device that matches its characteristic impedance. The device is equipped with a pin count of 14. The device is powered by a supply voltage of 12V. It is possible to identify related parts based on the base part number. A computer or other communication device may have 14 pins, which are pronged contacts. To ensure its reliability, it operates at a minimal operating temperature of -40°C. To ensure its reliability, it operates at a maximum operating temperature of 85°C. It is mounted in the direction of Through Hole. It is recommended that the supply voltage (Vsup) be greater than 6V. 28V is the maximum supply voltage (Vsup). The frequency of operation is 5kHz. 10kHz is the maximum frequency at which it operates. This electrical device operates at a voltage of 12V. This electronic part has a supply type of Single.