This program uses the TO-92 package.As a result of terminations 3, a number of functions are performed.A digital IC TWO TERMINAL VOLTAGE REFERENCE is coupled to the voltage reference ic.A test statistic determines the output voltage 10V.A 1 output is sufficient.The part has 3 pins.Since it is a type Voltage References, the voltage reference circuit has a wide range of applications.If the voltage reference ic outputs 15mA current, you cannot expect it to output more.In order to operate, it requires a voltage of 5V.It is tested whether a voltage reference ic can output its maximum voltage 10.01V.9.99V is the minimum voltage output by the voltage reference circuit.In-accuracy for the voltage reference ic is at most 0.1%.85°C is the maximum ambient temperature.At the bottom of the voltage reference ic, the temperature should be -40°C.
LM4040A10ILP Features
LM4040A10ILP Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments LM4040A10ILP Voltage Reference applications.