The microprocessor is convenient for international shipping since it is packaged in 132-BQFP Bumpered. The packaging method Tray provides high reliability. There are 1 Core 32-Bit cores per bus width on the CPU. The operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA should be understood. The CPU is powered by a Intel486 SX core. There are DRAM RAM controllers on this CPU. This microprocessor features Access.bus, IrDA, Microwire, UART interfaces to better serve its users. The CPU runs I/O at 5.0V. Using NS486 will help you find variants of the cpu microprocessor. 25MHz is the CPU's frequency. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Surface Mount mounting. Currently, the CPU core voltage is 5V.
NS486SXL-25 Features
Intel486 SX Core
NS486SXL-25 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments NS486SXL-25 Microprocessor applications.