16 I/Os are used in its programming.SSOP packaging contains the device.Overall, it terminates in 24.Total pin count on the part is 24.5V provides voltage to the device.It is utilized to run 260 on this part due to its peak reflow temperature.A total of five 2 ports are available on the device.A chip with 16 bits has a total of 16 bits.5V is a power delivery point.The device has 24 pins.A PARALLEL IO PORT, GENERAL PURPOSE uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs belong to the class PARALLEL IO PORT, GENERAL PURPOSE uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs.Parallel IO Ports series is the name of this product.The maximal operating temperature reaches 85°C.It is essential that this device's minimum working temperature is not lower than -40°C.There is a maximum frequency of 400kHz for this chip.At a frequency of 400kHz, the program will be able to perform effectively and efficiently.This device has 16 outputs.
PCF8575CDBE4 Features
PCF8575CDBE4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments PCF8575CDBE4 I/O Expanders applications.