In the package VQFN, this product is provided. Supply voltage is 2.4V volts. In total, the terminations of this piece are 20. The device has 20 pins which are included in the design. I think, as long as this FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount, it could perform excellently according to its specifications as long as you mount it in Surface Mount. In operation with 2.4V, designers can take advantage of its flexibility to the fullest extent. This is a battery operated device that operates on 1.8/3.3V. This module can reach a maximum operating temperature of 85°C when operating at its maximum power. It is necessary to maintain an operating temperature higher than -25°C. I am going to present you with a device that is equipped with 20 pins. The maximum supply voltage it can take is 3.6V. The device can function at a minimum voltage of 1.6V.
PCM1772RGAG4 Features
VQFN package 20 pin count 20 pins
PCM1772RGAG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments PCM1772RGAG4 Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) applications.
Wireless infrastructure:
Wideband communications:
LMDS/MMDS, point-to-point
RF signal generators, arbitrary waveform generators