For space-saving reasons, it is supplied in a VQFN package. We have adopted the packaging method of Tape & Reel (TR). Its General Purpose type ensures high-efficiency performance in a range of applications. Signals are prevented from reflecting off the end of transmission lines by 32 terminations. In terms of electronics, it is a 32-pin device. There are 32 pins configured on this board. An integrated circuit is mounted on a PCB based on the technology of Surface Mount. In order for the supply voltage to be maintained at 3.6V, it should be set to its maximum value. It is recommended that the supply voltage is maintained at 1.71V. In order to operate, it must be supplied with a voltage of 3.3V. It is necessary to convert digital signals into analog signals by using 2 D/A converters. As a precaution, the maximum operating temperature is set to 85°C. For normal operation, the operating temperature must be set at -40°C at least.
PCM3793RHBRG4 Features
Embedded in the VQFN package
PCM3793RHBRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments PCM3793RHBRG4 CODECs Interface ICs applications.