For its use, it has 141 terminations.The supply voltage is 5V.Pins are present on the 141 component.In its configuration, there are 141 pins.In order for the device to operate at 60MHz frequency, there is a specific design.The mounting method is Through Hole.This device falls into the subcategory of Digital Signal Processors based on its specific characteristics.This device can be powered by voltages as low as 4.75V.5.25V is the maximum voltage that can be supplied to this device.A voltage of 5V is used as the supply voltage.5V electric power supplies it.Using this electronic part, -55 TO 105 OPERATING CASE TEMPERATURE can also have additional features.DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER is used as the uPs/uCs/peripheral IC type.105°C should be lower than the operating temperature.Temperatures should exceed -55°C during operation.Its maximum frequency should be kept below 60MHz.
SM320C31GFAS60 Features
Operating supply voltage of 5V DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER as uPs/uCs/Peripheral Ics
SM320C31GFAS60 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SM320C31GFAS60 DSP applications.