In the 532-BFBGA, FCBGA package, it is a type of electronic component.The packaging way is Tube.Its Fixed Point status makes it ideal for a wide range of applications.The mounting of the device is done in the direction of Surface Mount.At the temperature of -40°C~105°C TC, the device is guaranteed to operate normally.3.30V refers to the range of analog voltages that can be input or output.It is a part of the TMS320C6414T/15T/16T series of digital signal processors.The use of it is terminated by 532.It works with a voltage of 1.2V as a supply voltage.Pins are available on the 532 component.Its configuration includes 532 pins.With its base part number of 32C6416, many related parts can be identified.This device is designed specifically to operate at frequency 850MHz.Surface Mount is used as the mounting method.The specific characteristics of this device can be categoriDigital Signal Processorsed within the Digital Signal Processors subcategory.This device operates at a voltage as low as 1.05V.This device can be powered by 3.46V voltages.In order for it to operate, 3.3V is the supply voltage.There is a memory on this device that can store 32kB data.Timers and counters that measure time and count external events are also called 3 timers and counters.The memory type it uses is Cache.An external source is causing 4 interrupts.For data transfer, 64 DMA channels are available without overloading the CPU.
SM32C6416TBGLZA8EP Features
Supplied in the 532-BFBGA, FCBGA package Operating supply voltage of 3.3V 3 timers/counters 4 external interrupts
SM32C6416TBGLZA8EP Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SM32C6416TBGLZA8EP DSP applications.