The item is packaged in 20-SOIC (0.295, 7.50mm Width)cases. Package Tubeembeds it. T flip flop uses Tri-State, Non-Invertedas its output configuration. The trigger configured with it uses Positive Edge. There is an electronic component mounted in the way of Surface Mount. A voltage of 4.5V~5.5Vis used as the supply voltage. In this case, the operating temperature is 0°C~70°C TA. This logic flip flop is classified as type D-Type. It belongs to the 74ASseries of FPGAs. This D flip flop should not have a frequency greater than 125MHz. The element count is 1 . There is 150mA quiescent consumption. The number of terminations is 20. D latch belongs to the 74AS4374 family. An input voltage of 5Vpowers the D latch. The electronic device belongs to the ASfamily. This electronic part is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. As you can see from the design, it has pins with 20. This device exhibits a clock edge trigger type of Positive Edge. It is included in FF/Latches. Vsup reaches 5.5V, the maximal supply voltage. The supply voltage (Vsup) should be kept above 4.5V for normal operation. The power supply is 5V. A D flip flop with 2embedded ports is available. With a current output of 48mA , it offers maximum design flexibility. It has 3lines. In addition, DUAL-RANK FLIP-FLOPis a characteristic of it.
SN74AS4374BDWE4 Features
Tube package 74AS series 20 pins 5V power supplies
SN74AS4374BDWE4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SN74AS4374BDWE4 Flip Flops applications.