This chip has a total termination count of 14. 5V is the operating supply voltage of the part. This electronic component is classified as LS. Taking note of the following additional details: GATED SERIAL INPUTS (A AND B). It is recommended that this part's supply voltage (Vsup) must not be less than 4.75V. There is a possibility of delivering voltage at 5V. This part should not have a supply voltage (Vsup) greater than 5.25V. There are 8 bits in the IC chip. The pin count is 14. In its subcategory, it is listed under Shift Register. TR is used to package the part. Use it only at temperatures below 70°C.
SN74LS164NS Features
It supplies 5V power Packing Method : TR
SN74LS164NS Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments SN74LS164NS Shift Registers applications.