Packet 14-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm). As part of this package, the Tube package is included. You can also get it in the Through Hole version. Single-Ended output is fully functional. This type of communication is based on AND/OR/INVERT Gate logic. A higher operating temperature at 0°C~70°C can be achieved. Inputs for 10 Input (3, 3, 2, 2) are included in it. The product belongs to the 74LS series. It uses a 4.75V~5.25V-type power supply to operate. There are 14 terminations on the part. For more similar parts, search 74LS51. An assembly of 14 pins is present. Installation and disassembly are facilitated by the device's Through Hole design. The 14 solution is designed for logic gate applications. Part 5V requires a normal voltage of 5V. Among the products in the LS line is this one. In particular, this is a Gates for specialiGatesed needs. There are 1 outputs in the device. Better logic performance is achieved by incorporating 2 elements. It generates 8mA current at its output ends. ASYMMETRICAL I/P'S is also included in this part in order to improve performance. The device generally reuqires 5V power supplies. I would like to point out that this device can output an ultimate high current of 8mA.