A package in SOT-23-6. In this package, we have included the Tape & Reel (TR) package as well. Available in Surface Mount. As far as Single-Ended outputs are concerned, it has full functionality. The communication type is AND/OR Gate logic. Increasing the operating temperature at -40°C~85°C. It contains inputs for the 3 Input (2, 1) axis. It is part of 74LVC series. The power supply used by this device is 1.65V~5.5V. A 6 termination is included in the part. In order to find more parts that are similar, you can search 74LVC1G0832. There are 6 pins joining it. Devices are designed as Surface Mount devices for ease of installation and disassembly. 6 solution for logic gates. Part 1.8V needs a normal voltage. The product is part of the LVC/LCX/Z line. I am referring to the Gates for specialiGatesed needs. The device is in the state of quiescence when it has a current of 10μA flowing across it. It is enclosed within a TR package of the highest quality. To protect the device, the maximum voltage should be kept below 5.5V. 1 elements are incorporated for improved logic performance. The output ends of this part produce 32mA current. Total 3 input lines were gathered. The device can output a high-end current of 32mA.