In order to save board space, the D package is used. The system operates at a frequency of 30MHz.For its operation, terminations with a value of 0 are used.A configuration of this chip is made up of 16 pins.A total of 8 segments have been created.It is acceptable to supply voltages of 5.5V.17V is the output voltage.In addition, it has 16 pins.With a minimum input voltage of 3V volts, it can operate.For highest efficiency, it works with a minimal supply voltage of 3V.In terms of supply current, 5.5V is the maximum value.A minimal supply current is required in order for this device to provide high efficiency.Temperatures above 125°C should not be allowed to exceed operating temperatures in order to ensure stable operation.Stable operation requires a temperature higher than -40°C.When operating with a maximum output current of 120mA, it can deliver all the benefits of a LED driver.Maintain a constant output current of 120mA.
TLC5917IDG4 Features
Available in the D package Frequency of 30MHz Supply voltage of 3.3V
TLC5917IDG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TLC5917IDG4 LED Driver ICs applications.