TMS320F28377DPTPEP Description
The Delfino? TMS320F28377DPTPEP is a powerful 32-bit floating-point microcontroller unit (MCU) designed for advanced closed-loop control applications such as industrial drives and servo motor control; solar inverters and converters; digital power; transportation; and power line communications. Complete development packages for digital power and industrial drives are available as part of the powerSUITE and DesignDRIVE initiatives. While the Delfino product line is not new to the TMS320C2000? portfolio, the F28377D supports a new dual-core C28x architecture that significantly boosts system performance. The integrated analog and control peripherals also let designers consolidate control architectures and eliminate multiprocessor use in high-end systems.
TMS320F28377DPTPEP Features
Two TMS320C28x 32-Bit CPUs
200 MHz
IEEE 754 Single-Precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
Viterbi/Complex Math Unit (VCU-II)
200 MHz
IEEE 754 Single-Precision Floating-Point Instructions
Executes Code Independently of Main CPU
512KB (256KW) or 1MB (512KW) of Flash (ECC-Protected)
172KB (86KW) or 204KB (102KW) of RAM (ECC-Protected or Parity-Protected)
Dual-Zone Security Supporting Third-Party Development
Two Internal Zero-Pin 10-MHz Oscillators
On-Chip Crystal Oscillator
Windowed Watchdog Timer Module
Missing Clock Detection Circuitry
TMS320F28377DPTPEP Applications
Personal electronics
Communications equipment