It is a kind of electronic component available in the BGA package.There are 272 terminations for its uses.It operates with the supply voltage of 1.2V.There are 272 component pins.It is specifically designed to operate with the frequency of 225MHz.Based on its specific characteristics, this device can be classified into the subcategory of Digital Signal Processors.It is supplied with 1.23.3V electric power.It employs DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER as its uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type.
TMS32C6713BGDPR225 Features
Supplied in the BGA package DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER as uPs/uCs/Peripheral Ics
TMS32C6713BGDPR225 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TMS32C6713BGDPR225 DSP applications.