An electronic component available in package 256-BGA.Tray packaging is provided for it.Due to its Floating Point membership, it is ideal for a wide range of applications.Surface Mount is the direction in which it is mounted.In analog circuits, the analog voltage range 3.30V represents the voltage range that is available for input or output.The TMS320C2834x Delfino? series contains this digital signal processor.Its uses have 256 terminations.This device is powered by 1.2V's supply voltage.256 component pins are present.In its configuration, there are 256 pins.The base part number 320C28346 allows identification of a wide range of related parts.A specific design is present for the device in order for it to operate at the frequency of 300MHz.Mounting is accomplished using Surface Mount.Based on its specific characteristics, this device can be classified into the subcategory of Microcontrollers.This device operates at a voltage as low as 3.14V.Devices like this can be powered by voltages up to 3.46V.It operates with the supply voltage of 3.3V.In its memory, this device can store 16kB data.To measure time and count events externally, 3 timers/counters are used.A 88 I/O interface is present on the device.Memory type ROM, ROMless, SRAM is used by it.Operating temperatures should be lower than 105°C.Temperatures should exceed -40°C during operation.
TMX320C28346ZEP Features
Supplied in the 256-BGA package Operating supply voltage of 3.3V 3 timers/counters 88 I/Os
TMX320C28346ZEP Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TMX320C28346ZEP DSP applications.