In the BGA package, it is a type of electronic component.The use of it is terminated by 256.This device is powered by 1.8V's supply voltage.Pins are available on the 256 component.An overview of its configuration can be found in the section on 256 pins.By using this electronic part, ALSO REQUIRES 3.3V I/O SUPPLY can be enhanced with additional features.This device uses DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER for uPs, uCs, and peripheral ICs.A clock frequency of 167MHz governs its operation.
TMX320C6211GFN167 Features
Supplied in the BGA package DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER as uPs/uCs/Peripheral Ics
TMX320C6211GFN167 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TMX320C6211GFN167 DSP applications.