Board space is saved by its VQFN package.This LED driver has 5 outputs.Based on the frequency of 1.25MHz, it operates.It operates with 16 terminations.It is configured with 16 pins as its base.The output voltage is 5.5V.There are 16 pins on it.The minimal input voltage is 2.7V.There is 6.5V maximum value for supply current.It is important not to exceed 85°C in order to ensure stable operation.It is essential to maintain a temperature greater than -40°C in order to achieve stable operation.When operating with a 125mA output current, the LED driver delivers all the benefits.In the absence of external factors, 200μA current is consumed.When operating the device, 3.6V volts are assigned to the circuit.Set the part output current to 125mA.This device uses SWITCHED CAPACITOR REGULATOR analog IC .
TPS60230RGTRG4 Features
Available in the VQFN package Frequency of 1.25MHz
TPS60230RGTRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TPS60230RGTRG4 LED Driver ICs applications.