A LED driver using this design has 1 outputs.The system operates at a frequency of 1MHz.For its operation, terminations with a value of 0 are used.A configuration of this chip is made up of 6 pins.28V is the output voltage.In addition, it has 6 pins.With a minimum input voltage of 1.8V volts, it can operate.In terms of supply current, 6V is the maximum value.Temperatures above 85°C should not be allowed to exceed operating temperatures in order to ensure stable operation.Stable operation requires a temperature higher than -40°C.It is necessary to use 6V voltage to power systems.When operating with a maximum output current of 50mA, it can deliver all the benefits of a LED driver.When no external factors are present, there is 28μA current consumption.It is important to keep the output voltage below 28V.A circuit operated by the device has 2.4V volts.Maintain a constant output current of 50mA.It maintains a 1.8V minimum voltage output.This device is equipped with an output type of Adjustable.This device utilizes analog IC of SWITCHING REGULATOR.
TPS61041DRVRG4 Features
Frequency of 1MHz Operating with the supply voltage of 6V
TPS61041DRVRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TPS61041DRVRG4 LED Driver ICs applications.