It operates based on the frequency of 2.2MHz.10 terminations are designed for its operation.There are 10 pins used to form the base of its configuration.There are 1 segments.The voltage at the output terminal is 5.5V.It is equipped with 10 pin count.It is also classified into Display Drivers according to its characteristics.It operates with the minimal input voltage of 2.5V.The allowable maximum value of supply current reaches 6V.In order to ensure stable operation, the operating temperature should not exceed 85°C.The operating temperature should be higher than -40°C so as to realize stable operation.The internal voltages needed to power systems is 6V.It is capable of delivering all benefits of a LED driver when operating with the maximal output current of 1.2A.8.5mA current is consumed in the case of no external factors.LED DISPLAY DRIVER is the interface IC that the part is equipped with.There is a current of 1.2A can be supplied to the load.
TPS61050DRCRG4 Features
Frequency of 2.2MHz Supply voltage of 3.6V Operating with the supply voltage of 6V
TPS61050DRCRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TPS61050DRCRG4 LED Driver ICs applications.