This system operates at 2MHz frequency.To form its configuration, there are 10 pins.The number of segments is 1.As a maximum value, 6V is acceptable.The output voltage of this device is 5.5V.The minimum input voltage for this device is 2.5V.The system works with a minimum supply voltage of 2.5V in order to achieve maximum efficiency.6V is the maximum value of supply current that can be used.A stable operating temperature of 85°C is required.Operating temperatures should be above -40°C to ensure stable operation.A LED driver that operates at 1.2A output current provides all the benefits of a LED driver.No external factors cause 8.5mA current to be consumed.The interface IC that the part is equipped with is indicated by LED DISPLAY DRIVER.Make sure the output current is set to 0 for the part.
TPS61055DRCRG4 Features
Frequency of 2MHz
TPS61055DRCRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TPS61055DRCRG4 LED Driver ICs applications.