Dual voltage regulators in the TPS767D3xx family are typically made for DSP applications. These components support up to 1A per regulator and can be used in any application requiring mixed output voltage. Core-logic and I/O can be reset independently using dual active-low reset signals.
The dropout voltage is very low (350mV generally at an output current of 1A for the TPS767D325) and precisely proportionate to the output current since the PMOS device functions as a low-value resistor. The quiescent current for the PMOS pass element is also extremely low and independent of output loading because it is a voltage-driven device (usually 85 A over the whole range of output current, 0 mA to 1 A). For battery-powered systems, these two crucial requirements result in a significant increase in operating life. This LDO family also has a sleep mode; turning off the regulator by providing a TTL high signal to EN (enable) lowers the quiescent current to 1A at TJ = +25°C.
TPS767D301PWPR Features
Dual Output Voltages for Split-Supply Applications
Output Current Range of 0mA to 1.0A per Regulator
3.3V/2.5V, 3.3V/1.8V, and 3.3V/Adjustable Output
Fast-Transient Response
2% Tolerance Over Load and Temperature
Dropout Voltage Typically 350mV at 1A
Ultra-low 85μA Typical Quiescent Current
1μA Quiescent Current During Shutdown
Dual Open-Drain Power-On Reset with 200ms Delay for Each Regulator