128-TQFP contains it. With its Tube-shaped packaging, it's easy to carry. Using a 3.3VV power source should be fine. In it, there are terminations that end in 128. 3.3V is an ideal supply voltage for high efficiency. As a member of the TSB43AB21 family, it is a prime number. It operates by using 128 pins. In total, there are SERIAL IO/COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER, SERIAL ULs/ULCs/Peripheral ICs in this gadget. As far as the device's clock is concerned, it runs at the frequency of 24.576MHz. It is set to 1.833.33.3/5V for the power supply of the component. There is no need for external power in Bus Controllers. 1 serial I/Os are integrated into the part. Maximum operating temperature 70°C°C enables stable operation. A minimum working temperature of 0°C degrees Celsius is required to ensure the device's reliability.
TSB43AB21APDTG4 Features
24.576MHz clock frequency Bus Controllers subcategory
TSB43AB21APDTG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments TSB43AB21APDTG4 Controllers Interface ICs applications.