This item can be found in the Tube package.In the package 20-LCC (J-Lead), there is a version of it.This device is mounted using type Surface Mount.It is recommended that the temperature be set to -40°C~70°C TA in order to ensure reliable performance.To operate the device, an analog IC called POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT is used.This device's related parts can be found under the base part number UC2906.A total of 20 terminations can be found in it.Due to the 20 pins on it, it is a very simple circuit.Features like Current can be programmed.For the product to work correctly, 20 pins are required, and a connection to each pin is required.The number of channels available is 1.It should be able to run off of a 10V battery.This device can be operated at an input voltage of 40V without being damaged.In order to operate, an output current of 40mA is used.As far as this device is concerned, it belongs to the subcategory Power Management Circuits.In most cases, the maximum supply voltage (Vsup) is set to 2.7mA.The supply voltage (Vsup) should be kept above 5V for normal operation.In the course of operation, the maximum output current is reduced to 40mA.
UC2906Q Features
1 channels Power Management Circuits subcategory 20-LCC (J-Lead) package
UC2906Q Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments UC2906Q Battery Chargers ICs applications.