68-LCC (J-Lead) is how it's packaged.12 Bits were used to design this electronic part.As part of Tube, it is embedded.In 68 terminations, the transmission line is terminated with a device that matches its characteristic impedance.According to the base part number, its related parts can be founded.It is recommended to keep the supply voltage at 5V.There are 68 pins on it.In order to ensure its reliability, it operates at the minimal operating temperature of -40°C.The maximum operating temperature of the device is set at 85°C to ensure its reliability at all times.There is a 68 pin count that is included in this device.As you can see, it is mounted in the way of Surface Mount.Analog to Digital Converters contains this part.The 3 A/D converter converts analog signals like voltage into digital signals that can be read by microcontrollers.A/D converters have a number of channels known as 10 channels.A ADC SUBSYSTEM converter is a device that varies the voltage coming from the source for the input and the voltage coming from the output.
VECANA01 Features
VECANA01 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments VECANA01 AFE applications.
Multicarrier, multimode digital receivers
Music recording
Digital Multimeters, PLC's (Programming Logic Controllers)