In the way of 64-LQFP, it is packaged.In this electronic part, 12 Bits have been used.As part of Tray, it is embedded.In 64 terminations, the transmission line is terminated with a device that matches its characteristic impedance.3V~3.6V serves as the supply/analog voltage for this electrical device, which transforms AC voltage into regulated DC voltage and provides regulated DC power to drive a load.The supply/digital voltage of this electrical device is 3V~3.6V.The base part number identifies its related parts.It is recommended that the supply voltage be left as 3.3V.This board is designed with 64 pins.In order to ensure its reliability, it operates at the minimal operating temperature of -25°C.It operates with the maximal operating temperature of 85°C to ensure its reliability.64 pins are included.3.6V's maximal supply voltage is supported by this device.3V is the maximum voltage that can be supplied to the device in order for it to operate.Surface Mount is the direction in which it is mounted.The analog IC used in this device is IMAGE SENSOR.The efficiency will be high if the supply voltage is kept at 3.3V and there is no variation in the supply voltage.1 A/D converters convert analog signals, like voltage, to digital form so that microcontrollers can read and process them.
VSP5010PM Features
VSP5010PM Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments VSP5010PM AFE applications.
4-channel data acquisition
AC motor control
Communication Systems
Music recording
Handheld Terminal Interface
Digital Multimeters, PLC's (Programming Logic Controllers)