The 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad package is used for saving board space. It has 4 outputs for LED drivers.In this case, mounting method is Surface Mount.In this case, it emerges as a DC DC Regulator with a high efficiency.It is possible for the led driver ic to function normally at -40°C~85°C TA.Taking advantage of Backlight has considerable benefits.In this case, the frequency is 200kHz~2MHz.A voltage supply below 4.75V may cause undetermined failures.The mount is on its way to Surface Mount.It is acceptable to supply voltages of 40V.The voltage output by it is 45V.
TB62771FTG,8,EL Features
Available in the 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad package Operating temperature of -40°C~85°C TA Frequency of 200kHz~2MHz
TB62771FTG,8,EL Applications
There are a lot of Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage TB62771FTG,8,EL LED Driver ICs applications.
Other Electronic Devices
Amusement Machines
Constant Voltage Power Source for portable equipment
Sports Facility Lighting
Linear fluorescent
Stage and Studio lighting
LED backlight driver for LCD displays for Tablets and Note PCs