The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 16-CDIP (0.300, 7.62mm). A high level of reliability can be achieved through the use of an advanced packaging method Tube. This analog switch is mounted in Through Hole. In the multiplexer and demultiplexer, 1:1 represents the number of circuits. Around -55°C~125°C TA is the extended operating temperature. Unlike digital switches, these are based on SPST - NC switching circuits. This multiplexer is composed of 4 circuits. There is 17Ohm internal resistance in this digital multiplexer. A temperature above 125°C is not suitable for operation of the analogue multiplexer. Suppliers offer a 16-CERDIP package.
DG411LAK Features
Switch Circuit: SPST - NC -3db Bandwidth: 280MHz
DG411LAK Applications
There are a lot of Vishay Siliconix DG411LAK Analog Switches & Multiplexers ICs applications.
Digital cross connects (DSX-1)
PCMCIA cards
Video switching
Remote Powered Equipment
Short/Medium Loop: approximately 2000 ft. of 26 AWG and 5 REN loads