The microprocessor is conveniently packaged in PLCC, making it easy to ship internationally. This is a MICROPROCESSOR for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. Total terminations are 44. In the case of a 5V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. A 8-Bit architecture is used. Data can be transferred over 8b bandwidths. Temperatures above 85°C are not suitable for operating the microprocessor. The CPU microprocessor body is injected with 44 pins. 14MHz is expected to be the top frequency of the CPU. From 5V, the micro processor can be used. The embedded microprocessor also has the following additional features: ADDRESSABLE REGISTER (ARA).
W65C02S6TPLG-14 Features
8-Bit Structure 8b-Bit Data Bus Width
W65C02S6TPLG-14 Applications
There are a lot of Western Digital W65C02S6TPLG-14 Microprocessor applications.