In the package FCBGA, this product is provided. Fpga chips consists of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY elements. In this device, 320 outputs are incorporated in order to provide you with maximum flexibility. In total, the terminations of this piece are 672. The RAM si153kBe of this FPGA module reaches 153kB so as to guarantee the normal operation of the program during operation. In operation with 1.2V, designers can take advantage of its flexibility to the fullest extent. This is a battery operated device that operates on 1.21.2/3.32.5V. This module can reach a maximum operating temperature of 100°C when operating at its maximum power. Fpga electronics is necessary to maintain an operating temperature higher than -40°C. It incorporates 19224 logic cells used for the building block.
XC4VFX20-11FF672IS1 Features
100°C gates
XC4VFX20-11FF672IS1 Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx XC4VFX20-11FF672IS1 FPGAs applications.