As part of the 456-BBGA package, it is included. This device features 333 I/Os in order to transfer data in a more efficient manner. A fundamental building block contains 46080 logic elements or cells. FPGA modules can be attached to development boards using a Surface Mount-connector. The supply voltage of the device is 1.14V~1.26V , at which it runs. This is a type of FPGA that is part of the Spartan?-3 series of FPGAs. Operating temperatures should be maintained within the 0°C~85°C TJ range at all times when the unit is in use. A model of this FPGA is contained in Bulk for the purpose of saving space. Fpga chips is important to note that this device has a RAM capacFpga chipsy of 737280 bFpga chipss. This FPGA module has a RAM si90kBe of 90kB that is sufficient to make sure that the program is able to run normally. 5120 LABs/CLBs are integrated into this FPGA. With a 1.2V supply voltage, designers can fully utilize the flexibility of the device. There is a maximum operating temperature of 85°C for this module. There should be a temperature difference between 0°C and the operating temperature. Its basic building block contains 2000000 gates. Device package 456-FBGA (23x23) is provided by its supplier.
XC3S2000-4FG456C Features
333 I/Os Up to 737280 RAM bits 85°C gates
XC3S2000-4FG456C Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx Inc. XC3S2000-4FG456C FPGAs applications.