In the package 456-BBGA, this product is provided. The device has 264 I/O ports for more coherent data transfer. A fundamental building block contains 8064 logic elements or cells. The Surface Mount-slot on the development board allows you to attach the FPGA module. In order to operate it, it requires a voltage supply of 1.14V~1.26V . It is a type of FPGA belonging to the Spartan?-3 seies. Fpga chips is recommended that the operating temperature be kept wFpga chipshin the range 0°C~85°C TJ while the machine is operating. This FPGA model is contained in Tray for space saving. This device has 294912 RAM bits, which is the number of RAM bits that this device offers. Its base part number XC3S400 can be used to find parts that are related to it. During the configuration of this FPGA module, the RAM si36kBe reaches 36kB to ensure that the program runs normally. The device is designed with 456 pins in total. Fpga electronics contains 896 LABs/CLBs in an array. Providing the FPGA is mounted in Surface Mount as per the specifications of the IC, then it should work perfectly according to its specifications. When operating with the supply voltage of 1.2V, designers can fully make use of its flexibility. There is a maximum operating temperature of 85°C for this module. Over 0°C should be the operating temperature. A basic building block for this type of building block consists of 400000 gates. There are 896 logic blocks (LABs) that make up the system's basic building block. Device package 456-FBGA (23x23) is provided by its supplier.
XC3S400-5FGG456C Features
264 I/Os Up to 294912 RAM bits 456 LABs/CLBs 85°C gates 896 logic blocks (LABs)
XC3S400-5FGG456C Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx Inc. XC3S400-5FGG456C FPGAs applications.