In the 484-BBGA package, you will find fpga chips. An FPGA of this type is made up of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY gates. The I/Os are designed to facilitate a more coherent transfer of data. A fundamental building block contains 128000 logic elements or cells. Fpga chips is powered from a supply voltage of 1V. FPGA parts like this belong to the Field Programmable Gate Arrays family. By attaching the Surface Mount connector, you can use this FPGA module with your development board. In order to operate it, it requires a voltage supply of 0.95V~1.05V . As part of the Virtex?-6 LXT series of FPGAs, it is a type of FPGA. The operating temperature should be kept at 0°C~85°C TJ when operating. In this device, there are 240 outputs that can be used. A model of this FPGA is contained in Tray for the purpose of saving space. 484 terminations are present in total. Fpga electronics is worth mentioning that this device provides 9732096 bfpga electronics s of RAM. Its base part number XC6VLX130T can be used to find related parts. Fpga electronics is important that this FPGA module has a RAM si1.2MBe of 1.2MB in order to ensure that the program will run normally. In this case, 484 pins are used in the design. 10000 LABs/CLBs are configured on this FPGA. In my opinion, this FPGA could produce fantastic results if mounted in Surface Mount, provided that its specifications are followed. I am going to present you with a device that is equipped with 484 pins.
XC6VLX130T-1FFG484C Features
240 I/Os Up to 9732096 RAM bits 484 LABs/CLBs
XC6VLX130T-1FFG484C Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx Inc. XC6VLX130T-1FFG484C FPGAs applications.
Radar and Sensors
Wireless Communications
Random logic
Industrial IoT
Medical Applications
Military DSP
Embedded Vision
Image processing
Development Boards and Shields for Microcontrollers