As part of the 676-BBGA, FCBGA package, it is included. There are FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY transistors in this type of FPGA. A total of 280 I/Os are programmed to ensure a more coherent data transfer. To form a fundamental building block, there are 474600 logic elements/cells. With a Surface Mount connector, this FPGA module can be attached to the development board. There is a 0.825V~0.876V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. The FPGA belongs to the Kintex? UltraScale+? series of FPGAs, and it is one type of FPGA. As far as the operating temperature is concerned, it should be kept within 0°C~100°C TJ when operating. Fpga chips is designed to maximiTraye space efficiency by containing the FPGA model in Tray. This device is equipped with 41984000 RAM bits in terms of its RAM si41984000e. During the configuration of this FPGA module, the RAM si2.1MBe reaches 2.1MB to ensure that the program runs normally. 27120 LABs/CLBs are configured on this FPGA.
XCKU5P-2FFVB676E Features
280 I/Os Up to 41984000 RAM bits
XCKU5P-2FFVB676E Applications
There are a lot of Xilinx Inc. XCKU5P-2FFVB676E FPGAs applications.