High reliability is provided by the advanced packaging method Bulk. This is a MICROPROCESSOR for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. Total terminations are 453. In the case of a 1.65V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. A 32-Bit architecture is used. For functions of 462 pins, please refer to the datasheets. A typical Microprocessors embedded microprocessor. Data can be transferred over 64b bandwidths. The CPU microprocessor body is injected with 453 pins. 2.2GHz is expected to be the top frequency of the CPU. Datasheets specify that the embedded microprocessor requires 1.65V power supplies. The CPU can only be supplied with voltage up to 46mA.
AXDA3200DKV4E Features
32-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width
AXDA3200DKV4E Applications
There are a lot of AMD AXDA3200DKV4E Microprocessor applications.