There is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 775 terminations have been recorded. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 1.3V voltage supply. There are 32 bits in its architecture. As a Microprocessors, this cpu microprocessor is typical. Data transfer has 64b bandwidths. Ideally, the CPU will operate at 3.4GHz MHz. It is specified in the datasheet that this micro processor requires 1.3V power supplies.
JM80547PG0961MSL7J8 Features
32-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width
JM80547PG0961MSL7J8 Applications
There are a lot of Intel JM80547PG0961MSL7J8 Microprocessor applications.