In the package 672-BBGA, FCBGA, this product is provided. FPGAs of this type consist of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY components. Having 336 I/Os makes data transfers more coherent. To form a fundamental building block, there are 156000 logic elements/cells. An FPGA module can be attached to a development board with a Surface Mount-pin. There is a 1.07V~1.13V-volt supply voltage required for the device to operate. FPGAs belonging to the Arria V GX series are a type of FPGA that belong to the Arria V GX series of FPGAs. Fpga chips is recommended that the operating temperature be kept wFpga chipshin the range 0°C~85°C TJ while the machine is operating. There are 11746304 RAM bits that are available with this device. The FPGA consists of 7362 LABs/CLBs.
5AGXMA3D6F27C6G Features
336 I/Os Up to 11746304 RAM bits
5AGXMA3D6F27C6G Applications
There are a lot of Intel 5AGXMA3D6F27C6G FPGAs applications.