High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging methods Bulk. The total number of terminations is 168. The architecture of the microprocessor is 32-bit. A CPU operates at a frequency of 100MHz. Detailed functions for 168 pins can be found in the datasheets. An example of a Microprocessors embedded microprocessor. Temperatures above 110°C should not be used with the microprocessor. There are many applications for this CPU, since it is Through Hole mounted. In this case, 3.3V is the starting point. In the datasheet, 3.33.3/5V power supplies are required for this embedded microprocessor. 3V is the core voltage of the CPU. There is a maximum voltage you can supply to the CPU of 1450mA. Users should not supply the embedded microprocessor with voltages higher than 3.6V in normalcircumstances. CPU microprocessors should be fed with 3V voltage.
A80486DX4WB100/SK101 Features
32-Bit Structure
A80486DX4WB100/SK101 Applications
There are a lot of Intel A80486DX4WB100/SK101 Microprocessor applications.