Shipping overseas is convenient since the embedded microprocessor is packed in FCBGA. In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a MICROPROCESSOR. In total, there are 559 terminations. When the voltage supply is 1.5V, the cpu microprocessor should be powered on and run. In terms of architecture, it is a 64-Bit system. Microprocessors is a typical embedded microprocessor. The bandwidth required to transfer data is 64b. Using the microprocessor in an environment above 100°C is not recommended. Embedded microprocessor bodies are injected with 559 pins. The CPU has 1 cores. We expect the CPU's top frequency to be 1.8GHz. There is a 1.175V function for the micro processor. CPU voltage can't be higher than 5400mA. A CPU has a memory size of 4GB bytes.
AU80610006252AASLBXD Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU
AU80610006252AASLBXD Applications
There are a lot of Intel AU80610006252AASLBXD Microprocessor applications.