The embedded microprocessor has been packed in FCBGA-1170 for convenient overseas shipping. Using advanced packaging techniques Tray, high reliability is ensured. Understand how the operating temperature around -40 to 110 °C is determined. This is a member of the E3825 series. An example of a Embedded Processors & Controllers microprocessor can be found here. Generally, data transfer takes place at a rate of 64 Bit bandwidth. Micro processor body consists of 1170 pins. In this case, we have a CPU with only 2 Core core. A CPU has memory sized 8 GB.
FH8065301567313S R3UZ Features
64 Bit-Bit Data Bus Width 2 Core-Core CPU
FH8065301567313S R3UZ Applications
There are a lot of Intel FH8065301567313S R3UZ Microprocessor applications.