Shipping overseas is convenient thanks to the embedded microprocessor's packaging in BGA. A MICROPROCESSOR represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. In total, 956 terminations have been made. Using a 1.15V voltage supply, the microprocessor should turn on and run. It is an architecture with 64 bits. CPUs operate with a frequency of 1.2GHz Hz. You can refer to the datasheets for the functions of 956 pins. It is important to note that there is 64b bandwidth available for data transfer. 1 cores are present in this processor. This CPU is widely used in many applications because of its Surface Mount mount. A CPU operating at 1.2GHz frequency is expected. normally, the microprocessor should not receive a voltage higher than 1.15V. The lowest voltage that should be applied to the micro processor is 1.05V.
AV80585VG0091MSLGAM Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU
AV80585VG0091MSLGAM Applications
There are a lot of Intel AV80585VG0091MSLGAM Microprocessor applications.