There is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. There are 64 bits in its architecture. 1.8GHz is the frequency of the CPU. 2011 pin functions are described in the datasheets. As a Microprocessors, this cpu microprocessor is typical. Data transfer has 64b bandwidths. Temperatures above 70°C should not allow the embedded microprocessor to operate. There is only 4 core in this processor. In many applications, this CPU is mounted with a Surface Mount bus. Ideally, the CPU will operate at 1.8GHz MHz. 100000mA voltage higher than 100000mA can be supplied to the CPU. A voltage higher than 1.35V shouldn't be used in a normal situation. Its memory size is 750GB.
CM8062100856501SR0LB Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 4-Core CPU
CM8062100856501SR0LB Applications
There are a lot of Intel CM8062100856501SR0LB Microprocessor applications.