As far as the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is concerned, this is a MICROPROCESSOR. It has a 64-Bit architecture. The CPU operates at a frequency of 2.7GHz. Please refer to the datasheets for 1023 pins functions. This microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. The size of data Bus of the CPU is based on 64b-bit system. The microprocessor should not operate in an environment where the temperature is higher than 105°C. This is a 2-core CPU. The top frequency of the CPU is expected to reach 2.7GHz. The CPU has memory sized 16GB.
AV8063801116102SR0QK Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 2-Core CPU
AV8063801116102SR0QK Applications
There are a lot of Intel AV8063801116102SR0QK Microprocessor applications.