Due to its BGA packaging, it is convenient to ship overseas. High reliability can be achieved by using the advanced packaging method Bulk. The type MICROPROCESSOR belongs to uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Total terminations are 256. Using a 1V voltage supply, you should be able to operate the cpu microprocessor. 32-Bit is its architecture. A 200MHz frequency is used by the CPU. An external data bus width of 32 is available on this CPU. Embedded microprocessor bodies have 256 pins injected into them. As a result of its Surface Mount mounting, this CPU is widely used in a wide variety of applications. There is 3.3V voltage present in the CPU core. It is recommended that the operating environment is set to over -40°C.
GDPXA255A0E200 Features
32-Bit Structure
GDPXA255A0E200 Applications
There are a lot of Intel GDPXA255A0E200 Microprocessor applications.