There is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 775 terminations have been recorded. When the voltage supply is 1.2V, the cpu microprocessor should be powered on and run. In terms of architecture, it is a 32-Bit system. An example of a Microprocessors embedded microprocessor. To transfer data, there are 64b bandwidths available. Embedded microprocessor bodies are injected with 775 pins. In this case, the CPU should reach 3.06GHz as its top frequency. The datasheet specifies that this CPU microprocessor requires 1.2V power supply.
HH80552RE083512 Features
32-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width
HH80552RE083512 Applications
There are a lot of Intel HH80552RE083512 Microprocessor applications.